Having my own house was a dream of mine since I was a little girl. There is nothing more comforting to me than to know that I have my place to live in and shape as I like. Without the constraints of a landlord and their various rules, your own house is a place to relax and build your environment to suit your lifestyle choices.
Nice thoughts but making them a reality in the current market is very very difficult unless you have a substantial disposable income. Which I and my family do not. As a housewife, I do not earn much and my husband’s relatively good salary is still not enough to secure what I would consider a very nice home. My dream home is well out of reach at the time being.
Crypto Loans
Back in 2017, I dipped my toes into the cryptic waters of cryptocurrency, modestly investing in what many still considered virtual monopoly money, Bitcoin. Little did I know, that this digital currency, often flitting across headlines with equal parts skepticism and intrigue, would be the golden goose in my financial journey.
Fast forward to a time when Bitcoin has danced on the moon and back, and there I was, sitting on a pot of digital gold. I stumbled upon this avant-garde financial service company that turned my Bitcoin into a magic bean. Instead of climbing a beanstalk, I offered my BTC as collateral and, in return, they extended a loan with such agreeable terms in USD it almost felt like a fairytale.
Here’s the spellbinding part, they didn’t seize my Bitcoin; they simply held it in escrow. My investment continued to bask in the market’s glow, potentially growing, while I had liquid cash to fuel my dreams in the tangible world.
And what did I do with this newly acquired treasure chest? I ventured into the real estate realm. With a heart full of hopes and hands clutching the loan, I laid the foundation of my own American Dream and bought a house. It wasn’t the sprawling estate of daydreams, but it was real, it was mine, and it was a stepping stone. Nestled in its walls was the promise of tomorrow, a starter home where the echoes of my future reverberated with each step on the creaking floorboards.
I see it as the prelude to the dream, a humble abode on the fabled property ladder, each rung I climb, an ascent towards my castle in the sky — my forever home. This house, with its peeling paint and the fence that leans just so, is more than a structure; it’s a testament to a future forged by the unlikely union of cryptocurrency and traditional finance.
I live here now, charting the waves of the crypto sea from my living room, eyeing the horizon for the next vessel to carry me to my next destination. One day, I’ll set sail again, Bitcoin in my digital wallet, dreams in my heart, to a home where every brick will whisper the tales of a journey that began with a modest investment beneath the ever-watchful gaze of the blockchain.

No Forms to Fill
Just deposit your collateral and you get the loan. As simple as that. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Especially if in the past you had to deal with a bank. Of course, you need to do an identity check when signing up but this is still a lot less effort than any loan that I have taken in the past.
No Credit Checks
There is no other bureaucracy attached to this. No credit checks and no other documentation to provide, given you are taking a loan under 1m dollars.
Collateral is your Credit Limit
My only limit to a bigger loan was the amount of collateral I had available to borrow against. The more collateral, the higher the loan amount you can get.
What are the Negatives?
As far as I know, the only negative is that with any other loan, you have to pay it back, or you lose your collateral. I truly have not found any other negative. Yes, I have to add collateral if the price of my crypto drops severely but with the market in this situation, the price can only go up, which will not affect my loan.
5 Things You Should Know About Crypto Borrowing
- Cryptocurrency lending is a process by which you can loan out your cryptocurrency to another party and earn interest on the loan.
- Cryptocurrency lending can be a great way to earn passive income from your cryptocurrency holdings by using them for an interest account.
- Cryptocurrency lending is generally safe, but it is important to carefully consider the companies involved before entering into a loan agreement.
- Cryptocurrency lending platforms typically charge fees for their services, so it is important to compare fees before choosing a platform.
- Cryptocurrency lending is still a relatively new industry, so there are many scams and bad actors to be aware of. Be sure to do your research before borrowing against or lending your cryptocurrency.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. Please keep this in mind.
Author Profile

- Lucy Walker covers finance, health and beauty since 2014. She has been writing for various online publications.
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